- Optional
- Parameters:
message: string
- Failure message.
cause?: unknown
- Optional cause.
This callback is executed when the spec loader throws an error/returns with a rejected promise.
- Optional
- Parameters:
message: string
- Failure message.
cause?: unknown
- Optional cause.
This callback is executed when the spec loader validator executes (if specified) one of its callbacks and detects that they throw an error.
- Optional
- Parameters:
message: string
- Failure message.
specLoaderResult: unknown
- specLoaderResult Result of the spec loader that was invalid JSON or a spec with an invalid schema or semantic issues.
cause?: unknown
- Optional cause.
This callback is executed after the spec loader successfully returned something, but the result is invalid JSON or a Loli specification with an invalid schema or with semantic issues.
- Optional
- Parameters:
loadedSpec: LoliSpec
- Loaded and validated LoliSpec.
This callback is executed when a spec loader successfully returned a result and the result was a valid Loli specification.
The callback can be used to e.g. put the loaded and validated Loli specification in a distributed cache.
- Optional
- Parameters:
message: string
- Message that contains information about the use of an emergency fallback.
cause?: unknown
- Optional cause.
This callback is executed whenever the client acts in emergency mode and has to make use of an emergency fallback (see options "emergencyFallbacksByFeatureFlagName" and "emergencyFallbacksByDataType").
- Optional
- Type:
- Parameters:
type: EvaluationWarningType
- Type of the evaluation warning.
message: string
- Descriptive message of the evaluation warning.
This callback is executed whenever any of the SDKs evaluation functions (e.g. to evaluate feature flags, segments, conditions, etc.) detect a runtime problem (like a data type mismatch between an evaluation context property and the defined data type of that property in the Loli specification).