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String Array Property Condition

A string array property condition is meant to evaluate a Property of type stringArray – so an array of string values.


  "propertyId": "23jfsaa6ads",
  // Type specific attributes
  "type": "stringArray",
  "propertyArrayQuantifier": "some",
  "operator": "endsWith",
  "operandsQuantifier": "some",
  "operands": ["", ""]



  • Type: "stringArray"
  • Required

Denotes the condition object as a string array property condition.


Tells the system how many of the property array values need to evaluate to true based on the operator, operandsQuantifier, and operands.


The operator to use when comparing an operand of the operands array against one of the property array values.


Tells the system how many operands of the operands array one of the property array values has to match against.


  • Type: string[]
  • Required

The operands/values to compare a property array value against based on the propertyArrayQuantifier, operator and operandsQuantifier.

Utility Types


Type: "equals" | "doesNotEqual" | "startsWith" | "doesNotStartWith" | "endsWith" | "doesNotEndWith" | "isBlank" | "isNotBlank" | "matchesRegex" | "doesNotMatchRegex" | "hasElements" | "hasNoElements"

Operators and what they do:

  • "equals": Checks if a property array value equals an operand based on strict equality (JS ===).
  • "doesNotEqual": Negation of "equals".
  • "startsWith": Checks if a property array value starts with an operand (JS value.startsWith(operand)).
  • "doesNotStartWith": Negation of "startsWith".
  • "endsWith": Checks if a property array value ends with an operand (JS value.endsWith(operand)).
  • "doesNotEndWith": Negation of "endsWith".
  • "isBlank": Checks if a trimmed property array value has a length of 0 (JS value.trim().length === 0).
  • "isNotBlank": Negation of "isBlank".
  • "matchesRegex": Checks if a property array value matches a regex denoted by an operand (JS new RegExp (operand).test(value)).
  • "doesNotMatchRegex": Negation of "matchesRegex".
  • "hasElements": Evaluates to true, if the property array has at least one element/value. Does not look at propertyArrayQuantifier, operandsQuantifier, and operands.
  • "hasNoElements": Evaluates to true, if the property array no elements/values. Does not look at propertyArrayQuantifier, operandsQuantifier, and operands.


Type: "some" | "every" | "notAny" | "notEvery"

Quantifiers and what they do:

  • "some": Applies JS array some logic to property array values or operands array values. Example: operands.some(operand => /* ... */)
  • "every": Applies JS array every logic to property array values or operands array values. Example: operands.every(operand => /* ... */)
  • "notAny": Applies negation to JS array some logic to property array values or operands array values. Example: !operands.some(operand => /* ... */)
  • "notEvery": Applies negation to JS array every logic to property array values or operands array values. Example: !operands.every(operand => /* ... */)

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