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Condition Set

A condition set is a list of conditions. These conditions are evaluated and combined by a logical operator denoted by the operator attribute.


  "operator": "and",
  "conditions": [ /* ... */ ]



  • Type: "and" | "or" | "nand" | "nor"
  • Required

The logical operator to use for "combining" the evaluation results of all conditions. Depending on the operator and the evaluation results of the individual conditions, either all or only some conditions are evaluated.

Technically, the different operators work like this:

const conditions = [ /* ... */ ]

// and
const andResult = 
    evalCondition(conditions[0]) &&
    evalCondition(conditions[1]) &&
    evalCondition(conditions[2]) && /* ... */ ;

// or
const orResult =
    evalCondition(conditions[0]) ||
    evalCondition(conditions[1]) ||
    evalCondition(conditions[2]) || /* ... */ ;
// nand (not and)
const nandResult = 
        evalCondition(conditions[0]) &&
        evalCondition(conditions[1]) &&
        evalCondition(conditions[2]) && /* ... */

// nor (not or)
const norResult =
        evalCondition(conditions[0]) ||
        evalCondition(conditions[1]) ||
        evalCondition(conditions[2]) || /* ... */


  • Type: Condition[]
  • Required

This is an array holding all conditions that need/can be evaluated (depends on operator and results of previous conditions).

Conditions are always evaluated in the order they have in this array.

For more details, read Condition.

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