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Loli Specification Schema

The SDK defines a LoliSpec type and a LoliSpecSchema Zod schema. These define the expected shape of a JSON Loli spec.

The Loli spec root object looks like that:


  "schemaVersion": 1,
  "featureFlags": [],
  "segments": [],
  "evaluationContext": {
    "properties": []


Feature flags, segments, and evaluation context properties are seen as Loli spec entities. So whenever the term "spec entity" is used, it can mean a feature flag, segment, property.



  • Type: number
  • Valid values: 1
  • Required

The schema version denotes which Loli spec version is used. This might become relevant for the future, when new non-backwards-compatible changes/additions to the specification are introduced.

Then Loli spec consumers can correctly differentiate Loli spec versions based on this field and work with them correctly.


This array holds all feature flags you have defined. These can be evaluated in the end.


This array holds all segments you have defined. These can be used in conditions within feature flags and even in other segments.


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